Tuesday, April 3, 2007

week 9

action plan review
well in reguards to a few points in my action plan i have adressed
the first issue.
paying more attention when i find something boring.
i ahve tried to take more insterst in things that i do not find intresting
in this course particually your class, it is hard trying to do things i do not find intresting or
relevent at all to this course.
in order to combat this i tell myself that it will help me complete this course which is waht i want making it slightly more bearable.
the second point.
taking things more seriously.
since i mooved out of home 6 years ago i have been responsible for myself
so taking on a more mature attitude was easier than i thought allthough tryinig to find time to do things like assignments is hard with all the things taht i ahve going on in my life, i believe my attitude is mature in most parts of my life but in reference to this class it is hard to take on a more mature attitude when i do not belive what i am doing is worth it.. the only reason i am doing this is to complete the course. i guess that is how i have gotten a more mature attitude, with the reaslisation that not doing the wrok will result in a fail.

week 8

what do i find hard about writing reports?
generally it is where i start, if i can find a place to start writing a report i can generally do well and complete it, i find it difficult to find a place to begin writing, if i have the information i need to write it i generally still cant find a place to start.
this is a problem when i am working on my own with out some one to ask for help

week 7

how much time do i spend infront of a computer screen? about 7 hours a day this year.
to help my eyes i generally make sure theren is a light on in my room,
i generally take a break every 2 hours, as for including exercise in my life i do not need ot include more i go to the gym 5 times a week and jog 2-3 kilometers a day

week 6

Week 6: Blog Topic
since i did not do this, i will reffer to last year's
Reflect on the experience of talking in front of the group
What helped? remembering that i know everyone in the room
What made it harder?remembering that i know everyone in the room
What did you learn? that speaking infront of a group is never easy but if you concentrate on what you have to say and try not to think about wahts happening it makes it easier,
in life you willhave to speak infront of large groups at somepoint so its useful to know how to do it well.

week 5

Week 5: Blog Topic

What makes you angry? waht makes me angry?
well i am generally a passive person, it takes a fair bit to make me angry.
what makes me angry religion, people who think they are better than other people,
people who judge others without reason, steriotypes,barbies and doing exercises in a
course for certificate 4 in networking that have nothing to do with computers.
Does this affect your ability to learn? the final point effects my ability to learn what you want me to learn because i have no intrest whatsoever in most of the things that you teach but you have made it clear that i must do it to pass the course
What is the difference between being angry and being assertive? anger is an irrational feeling
usually produced in a moment but when its over it is meaningless, being asswertive is a mindstate and can generally be used without extreme sircumstances.
What is the difference between feedback and criticism? feed back is finding weak points and suggesting ways to improve them, critiscism is finding weak points and exprerssing them for no reason.

week 4

todays lesson started out with copywrite exercises
it is usefull to know about copywrite laws because if i ever
created something i would want to copywrite it.
then we did an exercise envlolving being given a scenerio
and taking the information and writing a fesability report on the
information given, it was hard at first but after i understood waht was needed
it was easy, this will be usefull to look at when doing rob.m.blind assesment task.
we then mooved on to an exercise called how i appear to others
this was completly irrelavent to information technology and the document
had deliberate typing errors, it was amusing to see what others thought of me allthough
it makes no difference to me waht others think.
the we were asked to read a news paper report about a person that
was sued for sellign a software program which he developed under a buisness,
it was usefull to know this incase of it ever happenig to me.
that was all for week 4

week 3

today was a lesson about mainly personal skills.
the first exercise was about an ideal team member.
i found it usefull because it was a way to point out what
you wanted in a team member.
the next exercise was motivation exercises which is usefull
for making yourself do something when you dont want to do it,
the next exercise was about writng fesablity reports
it is usefull to know how to write ion report form expecially in the
it environment, this information will be usefull for assignments and also
when working outside of tafe.
that was all for week 3

week 2

today i did a lesson on writing an action plan
and also did a learning test
the learning test was usefull but not from an infirmation technology point of view.
the action plan was usefull for looking at problems and finding a solution to them,
it was also useful to have it down on paper to look at it and think of things
to solve it.
we were also given a template for writing fesability reports.
this was usefull for the upcoming rob.m.blind assignment
that was all for week 2

week 1

week 1
swot skills analysis
todays lesson involved doing a
skills analysis report on personal skills and
weaknesses as a result of this class i have
a document listing my strengths and weaknesses
i found it easy and unnessicary in my opinion
i think it was irrelevent to a certificate 4 in networking
and told the teacher so.
that was all that for the first week